PTPL 090: Your Daily Note Can Help You Ask Great Questions (and Get Great Answers)

Plus—My Bullet Journal has migrated to a discbound book, and it’s AWESOME

Ellane W
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2024


Plain text, Paper, Less (PTPL) Productivity Digest, text-based image by Author

Welcome! I’m Ellane, and this is a weekly, garage-door-up summary of how I’m learning to simplify and future-proof my digital-analog workflow.
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What might change in your life if you were consistently able to ask great questions? This week I look at how your daily note is as good place as any to practice this skill. I also talk about migrating my Bullet Journal to a disc bound book only one month into the practice.

Great questions bring great answers (daily notes can help)

Félix (@fay59), an Apple employee, wrote this on Mastodon last week:

Thought Leadering of the day: asking great questions is an extremely underrated skill. 80% of the time you will find your solution as you’re writing the question, and the other 20% of the time people will find it really easy to help.



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.