PTPL 096: Content Over Tools, Files Over Apps, Internal Observation Over External Inspiration

Also — Cal Newport’s plan.txt, and the Plus, Minus Next method

Ellane W
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2024


Plain text, Paper, Less (PTPL) Productivity Digest, text-based image by Author

This week: Plan.txt and the Plus, Minus, Next method for making sense of the week that’s been and the one to come. Define your priorities to keep Obsidian the tool you need it to be.

No AI input here; all words 100% human made. Non-subscribers are welcome to read for free.

Tools Are Not the Answer, but Do You Know the Question?

Cal Newport wrote about plan.txt back in 2008, eight years before I started taking my own first steps toward simplified productivity.

Each week Cal writes what he intends to do, and how he intends to do it. There’s no template, no rigid rules. He might write a paragraph, or several pages.

My plan.txt file…allows my brain, each week, to do what it does best: figure out a very workable short-term plan for making progress on what’s important. This is freestyle productivity in action.

— Cal Newport



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.