This Habit Brings Interstitial Journaling to the Physical World

How to increase productivity by saying goodbye to where you’ve been

Ellane W


Side view of a girl in a forest facing looking back the way she’s come. There are arrow signs in front and behind her.
Photo of signs by Rachel Claire, photo of girl by Photo by Jonas Svidras from Pexels; images combined by Author. Click here to see how I made this image.

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When I was in high school, I left my guitar on the school bus. Twice.

I’ll tell you the rest of the story in a moment, but for now I’ll point out that this never would have happened if I’d known about about the role of mindfulness in keeping the wheels of a productive life well-oiled, and turning smoothly on the right track.

This article is about how I learned to save time and be more productive in the physical and digital worlds by doing one simple thing: being mindful of my surroundings. It’s a foundational habit I call Say Goodbye To Your Chair (SGTYC).

It’s one of those simple, commonsense things that can poke large holes in your productivity when it’s overlooked.

Part one: Turn Around and Look

Back to the guitar story.

Lessons on the instrument of our choice were part of the school day, so one day a week I’d bring it with me, then take it home again to practice.



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.