The Best Note Making App isn’t Mem, Roam, or Obsidian

It’s the one at the intersection of your needs and your values

Ellane W
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2022


A treasure box sitting on sand with a brilliant blue and gold sky in the background
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels, with overlays by Author. Click here to see how I made this image.

In Better Humans Daily #189 Coach Tony asked which of these note-taking apps is better: Mem, Roam, or Obsidian?

It’s a great question.

There’s no simple answer, so I’m here to add option D: The one you need. Asking…



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.