This Simple Obsidian Writing Template Has Doubled My Output

It’s a flexible plain text framework and I love it

Ellane W


On a black background, a glistening spiderweb bejewelled with golden droplets of water sits at the top of the image, fading into fern-like leaves at the bottom.
Photo of spiderweb by Pixabay, photo of leaves by David Bartus. Images combined by Author. Click here to see how I made this image.

Confession: 2 years ago I drafted my biggest earning Medium story directly into the online interface.

I know! Living dangerously, or what!! Since those naïve, reckless, fate-tempting days, I’ve tried writing in —

  • Scrivener: So many boxes to put everything! So many features! Wonderfully overwhelming, but I couldn’t seem to stick with it.
  • Obsidian: So simple, so plain-textilicious; so unstructured that I (initially) felt adrift.
  • Ulysses: Lovely. I really should learn how to use it properly, one day.

After some to-and-froing, I’ve settled on Obsidian for my short form writing.

At least for now. I’m not going to stick with a tool to the detriment of the end result.

I create and refine drafts there, then open them in Ulysses for final polishing and addition of images. From there it’s easy to send the finished text straight to Medium as a draft.

My Plain Text Writing Template

Here is the simple template I now use for every post, followed by an explanation of each section.

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Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.