Using Tags For a Simple Daily Focus in Obsidian

A platform agnostic tip for paperless productivity

Ellane W


Illustration with red border showing a repeating pattern of green, red and yellow tags, and a cute cartoon character pointing at them
Image by author

I’ve been keeping track of my life with Apple’s Reminders, my digital calendar, and Obsidian on my Mac and iOS devices for some time now. It’s an impressive combination that puts the right job in front of me at the right time.

Still, even in the sweetness of my autonomously organised plain text world, I couldn’t help feeling something was missing.

My question: How can I turn my scattered task lists into one automated, curated, consolidated daily list? Reminders works well for subscriptions and repeating tasks, but I prefer to handle projects and random ideas in Obsidian. I didn’t want to copy or re-type tasks from one day to the next, and I needed a way to look ahead and view tasks scheduled for the next week and month, listed by project or area.

The answer: Use tags to classify tasks, and change them as the task’s status changes.

Plain text automation? Yes, please!

I’ve been using tags in Obsidian for almost 8 months, refining them as I go. I was interested to read Paco Cantero’s take on this a couple of weeks ago as he described his method of using tags to set his list of daily tasks. His story helped me crystallise the tagging…



Ellane W

Designer and educational publisher for 30 years+. Plain-text advocate. Still using paper, but less of it.