AI — How This Sophisticated Technology is Transforming the Workplace and Increasing Productivity

Ejiofor Francis
Product AI
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2021

Information is power. Businesses are optimizing on information as they acknowledge the benefits that come with it. Thanks to technology, access to information is easier than ever before.

AI technology, to be specific, has revolutionized access to data, which has helped businesses be more efficient and productive. The workplace has taken a shift as they can make data-driven decisions and optimize their resources.

Every day, companies realize the importance of data, and as time goes by, companies are getting up to 1000 times more data than they had yesterday. Through AI, the data can be analyzed to help in decision-making. This is how companies can get insights on different patterns, shaping their thinking and operations.

Many companies are rushing to adopt AI to their systems. According to Semrush, up to 54% of executives say AI has increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

There are many ways artificial intelligence has revolutionized the workplace. Let’s explore some of them.

Human resource management

Currently, AI is used for recruiting, onboarding, and retaining talent. The hiring process is more straightforward as AI can easily use the right keywords to get suitable profiles. AI can quickly review the resume to know if a candidate is qualified or not for a post. At the same time, there are different AI techniques that human resource managers use to engage and interact with candidates for top talent.

Once AI has shortlisted suitable candidates, it can help pinpoint who is the best fit for the job. It can quickly assess the skills, organizational fit, and personality.

When it comes to onboarding, there are different AI-enabled chatbots and AI applications for training new employees. This makes it easier for the employee to grasp the company culture and their role. AI makes continuous training and improvement of employees smooth.

AI makes it possible to deliver personalized training and professional development, which is vital for employees’ professional growth and mental wellbeing. With these, employees will be motivated to stay in the organization. In the long run, it will decrease the cost of employee turnover, which will obviously be a boon for any company.

Increased productivity

AI can do work much faster than a human would do. Unlike humans that need a break from time to time and cannot work 24 hours a day, robots can work throughout. This explains why many companies have instilled artificial intelligence systems as it helps to increase productivity. Companies can automate monotonous and mundane tasks through AI, while the employees have time to focus on more complex and essential tasks.

Many companies are increasingly using AI-powered chatbots to ensure customers get a good customer experience. Sales teams are using automation, and that’s why there is an increasing number of software designed to assist with sales.

Teamwork collaboration

Through AI, communication flow in an organization is made much easier. Collaboration and teamwork platforms make it easier to share, find, or verify information in the organization. This is very crucial in large organizations because the data can be manipulated or can get misplaced. Passing data in big companies takes time and more effort. AI communication platforms have semantic search options that can do natural language processing. This makes it easier to find any information you are looking for or locate the source of the data if you need to validate it.

Intelligent procurement

AI brings transparency to procurement systems. The company can instantly get an alert for supply chain disruptions, compliance issues, or some instances such as fraud. This ensures the company and the suppliers work as expected.

Through advanced data analytics, buyers can quickly identify opportunities, which helps them save money and boost profits by saving money in their procurement system. The company can get more value for their money and hence higher ROI.

Through AI data analysis, companies can get an accurate view of the expenses and know the hidden opportunities.

AI also brings automation to the procurement system, hence shortening the supply chain cycle. There is so much that AI can do for the procurement sector, such as verifying invoices, record keeping, matching invoices to purchase orders, etc. This helps to reduce fraud while saving time and money.

Market insights

Nowadays, consumers are becoming more sophisticated, which means companies have to be strategic to meet the needs of the consumers. The correct data is the easiest way you can achieve a competitive advantage.

Through artificial intelligence tools, companies can quickly get data-driven insights in real-time, which can help in decision making. Through the insights, companies can quickly identify a change in trends, get a detailed report on how the company is close to the target goals, business metrics that can help optimize performance, etc.

This helps companies to meet the expectations of their niche market for optimal customer experience.

There is no doubt that artificial intelligence is not just a buzzword but is here to stay. As people uncover how they can benefit from the technology, its applications will increase by the day. The best part is that the technology is applicable in every industry.


Telephones, fax, computers, and the internet all transformed the workplace in turn. Nowadays, AI is doing the same thing. Learn how AI is increasing productivity and changing the modern workplace for the better.

Change is good, and good is great. AI is transforming the modern workplace and increasing efficiency left and right. Read through to learn more!



Ejiofor Francis
Product AI

Founder and CEO at, a professional content marketing agency for startups and mid-sized businesses.