Applying a Product Mindset to Your Career and Job Search

Kyle Evans
Product by Design
Published in
8 min readJan 13, 2022


Looking for a new role can be intimidating. Especially because the reasons you’re looking for a new role most likely stem from something wrong at your existing role. Whether you’re feeling underappreciated, unrecognized, overworked, burned out, or simply ready to grow and need to move to take that next step, you are moving into the unknown.

How should you approach your job search? What about applying, interviewing, and following up?

Let’s zoom out for a moment and talk strategically about your career, then talk about some tactics involved along the way.

A Product Mindset

We’re all about product thinking here, so it shouldn’t be a surprise to start with that. When approaching a problem, we should step back and understand it, explore possibilities, and then create and iterate on solutions. So let’s explore that idea.

A Product Mindset for Your Career

It is important to reflect frequently, whether or not you’re searching for a job, and think about your overall career.

As much as we’d like our careers to progress in a nice, linear fashion, most of them won’t. We will see many twists and turns. We may take some detours. We may find some unexpected opportunities we…



Kyle Evans
Product by Design

Writer, podcaster & product leader. Woodworker & creator. Husband & father. Dog lover. Soccer fan. @kylelarryevans on twitter