5 principles to design for AI

Pim Minderman
Product by Pim
4 min readMay 21, 2024


How to define the user experience for AI with how-to’s and don’ts.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of modern technology, influencing the way products are designed and developed. With its ability to process large amounts of data and make intelligent decisions, AI offers immense opportunities to create innovative and personalized products. To successfully design products for AI, it is crucial to understand the principles and best practices of AI product design.

Understanding User Needs and Behaviors

The foundation of AI product design lies in understanding the needs and behaviours of the target users. This involves conducting thorough user research to identify pain points, preferences, and behaviours that AI can address. By gaining insights into user needs, product designers can effectively integrate AI technologies to create solutions that offer real value to users.

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  1. How: Define in what kind of context you design and what that context means to users. By context, it means that it delivers valuable data in the context of your product. E.g. Notion tries to always use AI in the context of create tables or write better, which will cause quicker workflows.
  2. Don’t: Just follow UI & UX best practices from the Big Techs (Gemini, ChatGPT, Co Pilot). Everything in the AI space is early stage and each product and its customers have different needs.

Data Collection and Processing

AI relies heavily on data, making data collection and processing a critical aspect of AI product design. Designers need to consider the types of data required for AI algorithms to function effectively and ethically. This involves identifying relevant data sources, ensuring data privacy and security, and implementing data processing workflows that enable the AI system to learn and improve over time.

  1. How: Identify what are the needs of your customers of your current product and see how you can visualise the data better by using AI.
  2. Don’t: AI is a tool, not new data. AI makes it easier to understand or extract data that already exists and is not (yet) creating their own data.

Ethical Considerations

AI product design must prioritise ethical considerations to mitigate potential risks and biases associated with AI algorithms. Designers should be cognisant of the ethical implications of AI, such as privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and transparency. By integrating ethical considerations into the design process, products can be developed in a responsible manner, earning user trust and minimising potential harm.

  1. How: Define how to communicate where your data is based on, where it is coming from and how it’s proven
  2. Don’t: Take it for granted what your AI product is showing, is actually considered ethical. Always review the content before using it. There are tools like Holistic AI that includes UI & content to your product to govern the AI output.

Holistic AI on guardrails for implemeting AI in your products

Prototyping and User reviewing

Prototyping and testing are crucial stages in AI product design, allowing designers to iterate and refine the product based on user feedback and performance data. Prototyping AI features and conducting usability testing can reveal insights into how users interact with AI-powered functionalities, enabling designers to make informed decisions and refine the product to better meet user needs.

  1. How: Take 1–2 users that you ask to use your AI tool a couple of times a day and ask them how the benefited from them. Diary studies works perfectly for this.
  2. Don’t: review your prototypes and designs with made up content. The power of AI is that the data is accurate from the source in your product, so made up content is promising false expectations.

Collaborative Approach

AI product design requires collaboration across multidisciplinary teams, including designers, data scientists, engineers, and domain experts. A collaborative approach ensures that AI technologies are effectively integrated into the product, aligning with technical feasibility and user needs. By fostering collaboration, designers can leverage the expertise of diverse team members to create cohesive and impactful AI products.

  1. How: First, start to understand with data science and product what type of prompts and data is available and get valuable answers to relevant questions. Second, see how you can make that data as easy to use.
  2. Don’t: Design on your own. Product design for AI is not relevant if the data strategy is lacking or the content isn’t validated with domain experts.


In conclusion, AI product design presents both challenges and opportunities for creating innovative and user-centric products. By understanding user needs, leveraging data effectively, applying, prioritizing ethics, and embracing collaboration, designers can create AI products that deliver meaningful value to users while ensuring ethical and responsible use of AI technologies. As AI continues to advance, integrating these principles into the product design process will be essential for developing successful AI-powered products.

Remember that AI product design is an evolving field, and staying up-to-date with the latest developments and best practices is crucial for creating impactful and user-friendly AI products.

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Pim Minderman
Product by Pim

Senior Product Designer @Clarity AI. Building Product by Pim. Sports-junky.