Most trending categories in Generative AI products

Pim Minderman
Product by Pim
3 min readJul 4, 2024


From text generation to audio generation

🏝️ There was a bit of silence around my newsletter, but I am back from holiday! Let’s continue how to do UX & product design with AI 🏝️

As of mid-2024, several generative AI (Gen AI) products and platforms have gained significant attention across various domains, including text, image, audio, and video generation. To design for your audience, you need to make clear considerations about what type of AI product you need to solve your user’s problem.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the three types of AI products, focusing on standalone, in-app, and AI-powered. This time, I explain the different categories, so you understand how this has been broken down. Next, in the coming weeks, I will write a beginner’s guide on how to design for each category (e.g. How to design for audio generation)

Here are some of the most trending Gen AI products:

Text Generation

  1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT
  • Description: A conversational AI model known for its ability to generate human-like text based on user prompts.
  • Use Cases: Customer support, content creation, personal assistants, coding assistance.
  • Type: Standalone

2. Google’s Gemini

  • Description: A large language model similar to ChatGPT, developed by Google, aimed at generating and comprehending natural language.
  • Use Cases: Search engine enhancement, content generation, language translation.
  • Type: Standalone

3. Anthropic’s Claude

  • Description: A conversational AI focused on safety and helpfulness, designed to assist with various tasks while minimizing harmful outputs.
  • Use Cases: Personal assistants, educational tools, content moderation.
  • Type: Standalone

Image Generation

  1. DALL-E 2 by OpenAI
  • Description: An AI model that creates images from textual descriptions.
  • Use Cases: Art creation, marketing, visual content for media.
  • Type: Standalone

2. MidJourney

Description: A generative AI tool for creating high-quality, artistic images based on textual prompts.

  • Use Cases: Digital art, concept design, creative projects.
  • Type: In-app (build in Discord)

3. Stable Diffusion by Stability AI

  • Description: An open-source image generation model capable of producing detailed images from text inputs.
  • Use Cases: Graphic design, media production, educational resources.
  • Type: Standalone

Audio Generation

  1. OpenAI’s Jukebox
  • Description: A neural network capable of generating music in various genres and styles from textual descriptions.
  • Use Cases: Music production, sound design, entertainment.
  • Type: Standalone

2. Google’s MusicLM

  • Description: An AI model that generates high-fidelity music from textual descriptions.
  • Use Cases: Music creation, audio branding, background scores for media.
  • Type: In-app (build in Google Drive)

Video Generation

  1. Runway’s Gen-2
  • Description: An AI tool for generating and editing videos based on textual and visual inputs.
  • Use Cases: Video content creation, film production, social media marketing.
  • Type: Standalone

2. Synthesia

  • Description: A platform for creating AI-generated videos with customizable avatars and voiceovers.
  • Use Cases: Corporate training, marketing videos, e-learning content.
  • Type: Standalone

Multimodal Models

  1. OpenAI’s GPT-4
  • Description: A multimodal AI model that can process and generate text, images, and other data types.
  • Use Cases: Complex data analysis, cross-media content creation, interactive applications.
  • Type: Standalone

2. Google DeepMind’s Gato

  • Description: A versatile AI model designed to perform multiple tasks across different domains, including text, image, and action-based tasks.
  • Use Cases: Research, robotics, integrated AI systems.
  • Type: Standalone

Specialized Applications

  • Description: A tool for generating marketing copy, product descriptions, and other written content.
  • Use Cases: Digital marketing, e-commerce, content creation.
  • Type: Standalone

2. Jasper

  • Description: An AI-powered content creation platform aimed at marketers and writers for generating blog posts, ads, and other types of content.
  • Use Cases: Blogging, ad copy, social media content.
  • Type: Standalone

These products are shaping various industries by automating and enhancing creative processes, making AI more accessible and useful across different applications.

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Pim Minderman
Product by Pim

Senior Product Designer @Clarity AI. Building Product by Pim. Sports-junky.