5 Reasons Why Product-led Cybersecurity Will Drive Success in 2023

David Matousek
Product Cybersecurity


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Cybersecurity teams need to look into the mirror and ask, “What do I need to do to be prepared for 2023?” Next year I believe cybersecurity teams will face epic challenges, forcing teams to reevaluate how we operate. Doing security for security’s sake will not be enough to sell business executives on how cybersecurity keeps the business protected. Having a product mindset when communicating with business partners helps weave the story of ‘what’ cybersecurity does and ‘how’ cybersecurity provides value to the business for the funding they receive. If I want to shift cybersecurity from a cost center to a value center, I have to answer the question, “What is cybersecurity doing with all that funding?

Three problems in 2023 that I believe cybersecurity teams need to prepare for are:

  • Cybersecurity teams will likely not be able to spend as much money, and existing security products will cost more.
  • Vulnerabilities are likely to increase faster than we can fix them.
  • Productivity will suffer from security overload.

5 Reasons Product-led Cybersecurity will help organizations succeed in 2023



David Matousek
Product Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Product Manager, Building Better Security for Customers, Developers, & Stakeholders