UX Case Study: Redesigning Restaurant Profiles for Surplus.id

Cahyadi Aditya
Product Design Community
3 min readJul 3, 2023

💭 Overview

Surplus Food Rescue App is a groundbreaking mobile application that aims to tackle food waste and promote food sustainability. Developed with a strong social and environmental mission, the app connects users with food businesses with surplus food.

With Surplus Food Rescue App, food businesses such as restaurants, cafes, grocery stores, and catering services can easily identify and sell their excess food that would otherwise go to waste. By leveraging the power of technology, the app streamlines the process of food rescue, making it convenient and efficient for businesses to contribute to the reduction of food waste.

🎯 Goals

  • Improve Conversion Ratio: The goal is to motivate them to make more frequent and successful transactions.
  • Facilitate Discoverability: Enable users to easily find and follow their favorite restaurants within the Surplus application.

🔍 User Research and Analysis

Order Journey — Surplus
  • We conducted a user survey, which showed that for about 4 out of 5 users, the appeal of the surplus they get is that they can get discounted quality & fancy food from a good restaurant / 5-star hotel.
  • Because the number of product availability is limited at the restaurant, they need to get notifications in order to receive notifications about discounts or product availability.
  • In one-on-one interviews, many users mentioned the convenience of getting notifications instead of having to manually check for updates from their favorite restaurants. The demand for personalization and real-time updates is strong.
  • Overall, our research demonstrates a strong demand and justification for implementing the ‘Follow Restaurant’ feature for real-time updates on product availability and discounts. Such feature integration is likely to improve user experience, increase engagement and increase transaction rates.

📝 Proposed Solutions

Create a prototype redesigned restaurant profile page and the interactions related to the Follow Restaurant feature. Focus on creating a user-friendly interface that provides relevant information and intuitive controls. Key elements to include are:

  • Redesign restaurant profile layout with clear sections for restaurant description & menu.
  • Enabling users to select and follow their favorite restaurants. By following a restaurant, the users would receive push notifications and in-app alerts whenever there was a new product or discount available. The feature was designed to be user-friendly and unobtrusive, making sure that users received the most relevant information without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Notifications for new product availability and discounts.

👨🏻‍💻 Implementation

Surplus Restaurant Profile


Wireframe — Surplus Restaurant Profile



📈 Outcome

The introduction of the ‘Follow Restaurant’ feature proved to be a game-changer for Surplus. We saw a significant increase in the ratio of active users to successful transactions, indicating that users were engaging more with the application and taking advantage of the notifications about new products and discounts at their favorite restaurants.

Users reported a high level of satisfaction with this new feature, citing the convenience and personalization it added to their experience. They appreciated the real-time updates and felt more connected to the restaurants they love, making them more likely to transact.

📋 Conclusion

The redesign of Surplus is an excellent example of how UX design can bridge the gap between users and their favorite restaurants, boosting engagement and conversion rates. By focusing on the needs of our users, we were able to transform the app into a more efficient and user-friendly platform.

