Dustin Senos ✌️
1 min readOct 24, 2012

I think the the biggest mistake people make is latching onto the first idea that comes to them and trying to do that. It really comes to a thing that my folks taught me about money. Don’t buy something unless you’ve wanted it three times. Similarly, don’t throw in a feature when you first think of it. Think if there’s a way to generalize it, think if it should be generalized. Sometimes you can generalize things too much. I think like the things in Scheme were generalized too much. There is a level of abstraction beyond which people don’t want to go. Take a good look at what you want to do, and try to come up with the long-term lazy way, not the short-term lazy way.

Larry Wall

Dustin Senos ✌️

always learning. now @ The Browser Company of New York, Inc. former head of design @medium, engineer @disney. builder of @ooohours × @getwallcat × @littleipsum.