About PDD

Jeff Brunski
Product Development Distillery
2 min readJun 27, 2019

Product Development Distillery is an email-based product development training course.

Subscribing to PD Distillery means that you will receive nuggets about product development on a regular basis, straight to your inbox. These nuggets are mostly culled from the best product development books out there.

Sign Up Here!

Emails come three times a week. They’re super short and sweet. You’ll wish there were more of them!

However…PDD is a work in progress! If the emails stop coming for some reason, just know that all of the award-winning** Distillery content is here on Medium for your immediate enjoyment.

**Not really award-winning but sometimes when I’m writing it I lol to myself.

Why Does Product Development Distillery Exist?

I have found there to be three main categories of product development writing:

  • Textbooks
  • Normal books
  • Articles and blogs

Each of these is optimized for its purpose:

  • Textbooks are typically optimized to support a traditional university course
  • Normal books are typically optimized to sell (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but they aren’t necessarily optimized for learning)
  • Articles and blogs are optimized in various ways; sometimes to generate traffic, sometimes to generate credibility for a company or product, sometimes for learning, etc.

I thought that these three categories left something to be desired. There was something missing.

None of these things filled the need that I had. That need is:

“I want to learn about product development and discover the interesting and current topics, but I’m not willing or able to take an entire course or read an entire textbook…and also, I want to be entertained, because dammit, I deserve it.”

