A letter to my younger self

5 things to consider, in order to live a meaningful life.

Alfredo Juárez
Product Development
2 min readAug 13, 2015


Hi Fred!

Our 65 years old self told me that, in his age, there’s a machine that lets people to send a letter to their younger self, so, before I forget many things, so he said, the old men asked me to write it down.

Who are you?

Ok, really, who are you?
Seriously, who are you?

Do you feel awkward with those questions? It turns out that you need to know who you are, not your name and age, but, your strengths, weaknesses, values and mission. Dedicate sometime to think about it, once you know who you are and what you’re supposed to do in this world, you will be able to focus your efforts on the things that really matter.

Money is never the goal

There’s going to be a moment in life that you’ll think that money is very important in order to be successful, but let me tell you something, it happens to be all the way around. Once you understand that creating value instead of pursuing the money is the way to go, things will start flowing towards your success.

Don’t be afraid of failure

There’s something you have to know for sure: You will fail. Yes, you will fail, in fact, you’ll fail so many times in your life. But, you know what? It’s totally OK. Seriously, each one of your failures will give you experience, the one that really matters. So, don’t be afraid of failing, because the moment you are afraid, you’ll stop trying, and oh boy, there’s nothing worst in life than stop trying.

Don’t settle

We all know that the startup life comes with lots of ups and downs. Later in your life, you’ll find out that, the longer the up you’re living at the moment, the harder the down to come. Be prepared and never settle. While you’re in a good moment, keep your creative mind open, you know, keep working on new ways to create value.

Don’t complain. Act!

Yes, life is hard (Sometimes), and yes, you’ll face many critical moments in your life, so, when you feel the need to complain about it, remember one thing, complaining will get you nothing, none, nada. Move your ass and keep working, that’s how you’ll solve your problems.

Enjoy the journey

Life is all about the journey, get to love it. Enjoy your life, enjoy your family, enjoy your work, enjoy your failures, enjoy the rain, enjoy everything, seriously, everything. Don’t focus too much in the future, you know, we will all end up six feet underground, instead, get to enjoy the journey, that’s all that matters.



Alfredo Juárez
Product Development

I love the art of solving problems through the application of technology. I consult companies by building products at @juvasoft. #500Strong