Finding my sweet spot.

The evolution from Software Engineer to Product Manager to Product Engineer.

NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Product Engineer’s Logs
2 min readMar 10, 2024


Transitioning into the tech industry four years ago marked a pivotal moment for me, influenced by my firsthand experiences as a digital media specialist. In that role, I witnessed the profound impact digital platforms could have on people’s lives.

Becoming a full stack developer felt like a natural evolution. It provided an opportunity to leverage my skills and insights directly in building products that could make a tangible difference.

After dedicating a year and a half to refining my coding skills, I realized my passion extended beyond the technical aspects of product development. I became deeply interested in understanding both user and business needs. This realisation prompted me to explore Product Management.

I craved involvement in the product discovery phase, recognising its pivotal role in shaping user experiences. Unlike conventional roles where software engineers were often sidelined during this phase, I saw an opportunity for engineers like myself to contribute valuable insights from the development side.

Transitioning into Product Management offered profound insights. I discovered that the true value of a product lies not solely in its features but in its ability to address user problems and fulfill their needs. This shift in perspective has fundamentally shaped how I approach product development and perceive the impact of technology on individuals’ lives.

Now, as I merge my experiences as a Product Manager and Software Engineer to become a Product Engineer, I am committed to further honing my skills. I will review my software development portfolio and rework it through a product engineering lens, to demonstrate my ability to create solutions that seamlessly blend technical expertise with user-centric design principles.

My goal remains steadfast: to craft tech products that not only meet users’ needs but also enrich their lives, guided by the principle that technology should serve as a means to an end, prioritising meaningful problem-solving over chasing the latest trends.

In essence, my North Star is designing and building tech products that address users’ needs and alleviate their pain points.



NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Product Engineer’s Logs

|| Product Engineer || Digital Public Goods - Open Source Community Manager