When to Run and When Not to Run Design Sprint

Aidin Ziapour
Product Factory
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2019
Design Sprint Workshop | Decide Phase

Design Sprint is a creative process which developed at GV to answer critical business questions. As a team, you can run your Design Sprint when you are stuck in specific problem, running new project, developing new product, designing new services, enterprise processes, or new strategies for your team or enterprise. Besides this, there are many circumstances that you should avoid running Design Sprint in your team. Below you can see recipes which help you recognize your situations in order to running or don’t running Design Sprint in your team:

When to Run Design Sprint Recipe

· Assess the viability of new businesses

· Kick start new project

· Want to develop new product

· Testing new ideas

· Want to design new service

· Want to design new enterprise process

· Getting stuck in business problem

· Don’t have a clear understanding about what the solution is for specific challenge

When Not to Run Design Sprint Recipe

· Want to cover all aspects of your product/service at once

· Don’t know who is your target customer or user

· Already know what is the best solution for your challenge

· Want to improve just small or not really important parts of your product, service, or process

· Need to run significant user research

· Stakeholders and top level managers do not believe in Design Sprint


Google Design Sprint Kit

Design Sprint Facilitator Guide by Design Sprint Academy

