How to prepare an inspiring product talk

Caroline Parnell
Product Management and Innovation
7 min readOct 5, 2020


Thanks to Product School for sharing their work on Unsplash.

Giving a product talk enables you to share your unique product ideas, experiences and insights to help others.

It‘s also a great way to build your own personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. This can also lead to all sorts of networking and career opportunities.

Very few people are natural public speakers. Most exceptional public speakers when asked, will admit that it was something they have worked hard at perfecting.

Good preparation is absolutely key to ensuring you have an insightful and entertaining talk that your audience will love. And to ensure you feel at your most confident on the day.

1. Come up with your talk summary

Start with your audience

As product people, we like to start by having a clear understanding of our customer and giving a talk is no different.

And of course, by ‘customer’ in this case, we’re talking about the audience. Ask yourself:

  • How many people will be in the audience? What do you know about them?
  • What are their job titles? Where do they work?
  • Who will be speaking before and after you?
  • What does the audience already know…



Caroline Parnell
Product Management and Innovation

Product Leader and Mentor. Head of Product at Simply Business. Ex Photobox and O2. Interested in product development, innovation and helping teams thrive.