How to run 10x better product discovery brainstorms

Caroline Parnell
Product Management and Innovation
5 min readAug 6, 2020


So you need some new ideas for new products or new product features? You round up your most creative colleagues, some post its and sharpies, some great snacks and … ta-da… the magic just happens! Right? Hmmm …. rarely.

All too often the ideas that come out of brainstorms are dull and predictable. And worse still, the brainstorms themselves can be incredibly frustrating for those attending with a few loud voices frequently dominating the more introverted members.

After running and attending too many ineffective product brainstorms, I started to implement some of the techniques that I had seen work from Google’s Design Sprints. The results were 10x better brainstorms than what I had experienced before. More creative ideas, more actionable ideas and an (unintended) benefit of happier brainstormers.

Below are the 6 techniques I would recommend to make your product brainstorms 10 x more effective.

  1. If you want better ideas, start with a better question

Before your brainstorm, make sure you clarify a succinct challenge or problem that you want your team to work on and the segment you’re targeting.

It should be broad enough that it doesn’t constrain thinking, but not too broad that it sends people off on pointless tangents.



Caroline Parnell
Product Management and Innovation

Product Leader and Mentor. Head of Product at Simply Business. Ex Photobox and O2. Interested in product development, innovation and helping teams thrive.