Make Your Podcast Popular: Easy Tips for Sharing and Remembering

Gregory Kaidanov
ProductPulse: Igniting Innovation
2 min readDec 15, 2023


Do you love listening to podcasts? Sometimes we listen to a great episode but later can’t remember all the cool things we heard, like the name of a new gadget or an interesting person. Let’s talk about how to make your podcast easier to remember and more popular.

Help Your Listeners Remember

If you make a podcast, try this:

  • After each episode, list the important stuff you talked about. This could be names of things or people, links to websites, or important numbers.
  • This list helps your listeners remember better and shows that your podcast is a good place to learn.

Use Social Media to Spread the Word

Social media can help a lot:

  • Post the best parts of your podcast, like cool quotes or facts, on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • Make it easy for listeners to share these posts.
  • When people share, more people will get to know your podcast.

Why This Works

  1. People Remember Better: When listeners share your podcast, they’ll remember it more.
  2. More Listeners: Each time someone shares your podcast, more people will find out about it.
  3. Trustworthy: By giving details and sources, your podcast looks more trustworthy, like serious research.

More Than Just Talking: Give More Info

Besides just talking in your podcast, you can give more information like:

  • Links to where you got your information
  • Reports or studies you mentioned
  • Information about the people or things you talked about

Finish Up

When your podcast gives more than just a story, but also facts and links, people will love it more. They will remember what they heard and tell their friends. This way, your podcast won’t just be something people listen to — it will be something they talk about and share!

