5 Tools to Master Product Sense Interview

Gregory Kaidanov
ProductPulse: Igniting Innovation
11 min readMar 4, 2024


  • Please don’t kill my read ratio and stay on this article for at least 30 seconds.

· What is Product sense?
· IMPACT Framework:
· MoSCoW method
· RICE Framework:
· Star and Circles — Communicate Your Ideas Clearly
· What Is “The User Is Drunk”?

Essential Tips and Strategies

Product management interviews often include a crucial component known as the “product sense” interview. This segment evaluates your ability to understand users, innovate, and make strategic product decisions. Excelling in this area can set you apart from other candidates. Here are some insightful tips and strategies to help you shine in your product sense interview.

What is Product sense?

Product sense, often referred to in the context of product management and design, is an intuitive understanding or instinct about what makes a product valuable, useful, and successful in the market.

Product sense, which is a blend of intuition honed through experience and a deep understanding of users, the market, and the product itself, differentiates standout product managers from the rest.

  • Product sense is crucial for delivering products that meet customer needs and achieve business goals.
  • It involves a balance between data-driven decisions and intuitive understanding gained through experience.
  • Developing a strong product sense requires a combination of hard skills, creative problem-solving, customer empathy, and an understanding of the broader context.

It encompasses several key aspects:

  1. User Empathy: Understanding the needs, problems, and goals of the product’s target users. It involves deeply understanding who the users are, what they need, and how they behave.
  2. Market Awareness: Knowledge of the market in which the product operates, including competitors, market trends, and the overall ecosystem. This includes understanding what is available in the market, what gaps exist, and what opportunities there are for innovation.
  3. Product Vision: The ability to envision what a product could become and how it can evolve to meet user needs and capitalize on market opportunities. This involves thinking about the future direction of the product and making strategic decisions to guide its development.
  4. Design Intuition: An understanding of good design principles and how they apply to creating a compelling and intuitive user experience. This includes aspects like usability, accessibility, aesthetics, and interaction design.
  5. Technical Acumen: While not always technical expertise, having a basic understanding of what is technologically feasible and how technology can be used to solve user problems or create unique value propositions.
  6. Analytical Skills: The ability to interpret data, understand user feedback, and make informed decisions based on metrics. This involves using both quantitative data (like usage statistics) and qualitative data (like user interviews) to guide product decisions.
  7. Strategic Thinking: The capability to align product decisions with the broader goals of the company, understanding how product choices affect business outcomes, and navigating trade-offs between different priorities.

Product sense is a blend of skills that allows professionals to create products that resonate with users and succeed commercially.

5 Tips for Developing Product Sense:

  1. Observe Users in Their Natural Environments: Go beyond usability testing by watching how real users interact with your product in their daily lives. This helps you understand the actual value and usability of your product from the user’s perspective.
  2. Domain Expertise: Build deep knowledge of your industry and the challenges your users face. This understanding enhances empathy and informs better product decisions, making you more attuned to the needs and contexts of your users.
  3. Adopt an IMPACT Mindset: Use the IMPACT framework to focus on solving meaningful problems with clear, testable actions. This approach ensures your work directly benefits users and addresses their needs effectively.

IMPACT Framework:

The IMPACT framework focuses on solving meaningful problems with actionable plans that are clear and testable. It stands for:

Interesting — Is the problem interesting to your users?

Meaningful — Is the solution meaningful to your users?

People — Who are the users, and how does it impact them?

Actionable — Can you realistically implement the solution?

Clear — Is your plan clear and understandable?

Testable — Can the outcomes be measured and tested?

Adopting the IMPACT framework ensures that every product decision or feature development is user-centric and grounded in real, actionable insights.

4. Sweat the Small Stuff: Pay attention to the minor details of your product’s user experience. Even small annoyances can detract from overall user satisfaction, so refining these elements can enhance the user experience.

5. Practice Makes Perfect: Exercise your product sense on unfamiliar products. Analyzing different products, their target users, and use cases can sharpen your instincts and bring fresh perspectives to your product management practices.

Developing product sense is an ongoing process that involves continuous learning, observation, and application of insights. By focusing on users, staying informed about your domain, and being mindful of the details, you can enhance your ability to make decisions that lead to successful products.

Preparing for a product manager interview involves both understanding the types of questions you might be asked and formulating thoughtful responses that showcase your product sense, strategic thinking, and leadership skills. Below are some common questions along with guidance on how to approach your answers. Remember, the best answers are those that are authentic and draw on your own experiences and insights.

Product Questions and How to Answer Them

  1. Tell me about a product you love. What would you improve about it?
  • How to Answer: Choose a product you are genuinely passionate about. Discuss why you love it, focusing on aspects like its design, usability, or how it solves a problem. Then, identify a specific area for improvement, explaining why making this change could enhance the user experience or product’s market fit.

2. Describe a challenging product decision you faced and how you addressed it.

  • How to Answer: Pick a real scenario that showcases your problem-solving skills and ability to navigate complexity. Explain the context, the challenge, the options you considered, and the rationale behind your final decision. Highlight your use of data, user feedback, or market analysis in your decision-making process.

3. How do you prioritize product features?

  • How to Answer: Discuss your approach to feature prioritization, whether it’s using frameworks like RICE (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort), MoSCoW (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won’t have this time), or another method. Emphasize the importance of aligning feature development with overall product strategy, user needs, and business objectives.

MoSCoW method

The MoSCoW method categorizes tasks or features into four groups for prioritization:

Must have: Essential elements critical to project success. Without these, the project fails.

Should have: Important but not vital components, significantly enhancing the project but not essential for launch.

Could have: Desirable features that offer added value but can be omitted if resources are constrained.

Won’t have (this time): Items recognized as the lowest priority, either because they are least important or can be deferred to future updates.

This framework assists in managing project scope and resources by focusing on the most critical aspects first.

RICE Framework:

RICE is a prioritization tool to help decide which products, features, or projects to focus on, using four factors:

Reach — How many people will this impact over a certain period?

Impact — How much will this impact each person reached?

Confidence — How confident are you in your estimates?

Effort — How much time and resources are required?

By evaluating projects through the RICE framework, you can make objective decisions about where to allocate your efforts for the maximum benefit.

4. How do you measure the success of a product or feature?

  • How to Answer: Talk about specific metrics or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) you would use, such as user engagement, retention rates, conversion rates, or customer satisfaction scores. Explain how these metrics inform your understanding of user behavior and product performance, and how you would use this data to make iterative improvements.

5. Can you explain a complex product or concept in simple terms?

  • How to Answer: Choose a complex product or concept you’re familiar with. Break it down into its most basic components and explain it as if you were talking to someone without your expertise. This demonstrates your communication skills and ability to make products accessible to users.

6. How do you stay informed about trends in product management?

  • How to Answer: Mention specific resources such as blogs, podcasts, industry reports, or networking groups that help you stay ahead of trends. Highlight how continuous learning and staying informed helps you make better product decisions.

7. Describe a time when you had to work with a difficult stakeholder or team. How did you handle it?

  • How to Answer: Provide an example that shows your interpersonal and negotiation skills. Focus on how you listened, communicated, and found a compromise or solution that aligned with the product’s goals while addressing the stakeholder’s concerns.

8. What’s your approach to user research and feedback?

  • How to Answer: Discuss methods you use for gathering user insights, such as surveys, interviews, usability testing, or data analysis. Explain how you integrate user feedback into the product development process to ensure the product meets user needs.

9. How do you envision the future of [industry/product]?

  • How to Answer: Share your vision for the industry or product’s future, drawing on current trends, technological advancements, and potential market shifts. This question assesses your strategic thinking and ability to anticipate changes.

10. Why do you want to work as a product manager at our company?

  • How to Answer: Research the company and its products thoroughly. Discuss specific aspects of the company’s mission, culture, products, or market position that excite you. Highlight how your skills, experience, and passions align with the company’s goals.

Tips for Your Interview

  • Be Specific: Use concrete examples from your experience to illustrate your points.
  • Be Concise: While providing detail is good, aim to communicate your thoughts clearly and efficiently.
  • Be Honest: If you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s better to be honest and discuss how you would find the answer or approach the problem.
  • Ask Questions: Prepare thoughtful questions to ask your interviewer. This shows your interest in the role and company.

Remember, the goal of the interview is not just to answer questions correctly but to demonstrate your thinking process, your passion for product management, and how you can add value to the team and company.

What else?

Understand the Product and Its Users

Deep Dive into the Product: Before the interview, familiarize yourself with the company’s products. Use them to understand their features, strengths, and potential areas for improvement. Think about the user journey, pain points, and what delights customers.

Empathize with Users: Develop a deep understanding of the product’s user base. Who are they? What challenges do they face? How does the product solve their problems? Empathy towards users is a critical aspect of product sense.

Show Your Analytical and Strategic Thinking

Data-Driven Decisions: Be prepared to discuss how you use data to make product decisions. Interviewers look for candidates who can articulate the importance of metrics, A/B testing, and user research in guiding product development and improvements.

Strategic Vision: Display your ability to think strategically about products. Discuss how you would evaluate market trends, competitor analysis, and long-term product vision. How do you prioritize features, and what frameworks do you use to make these decisions?

Star and Circles — Communicate Your Ideas Clearly

Structured Thinking: Present your thoughts in a clear, logical manner. Use frameworks like CIRCLES (Context, Identify the Customer, Report the Customer Need, Cut Through Prioritization, List Solutions, Evaluate Trade-offs, Summarize) or STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses.

Storytelling: Use storytelling to make your points more compelling. Share anecdotes from your experience where you identified a user need, proposed a solution, and saw the impact. This not only demonstrates your product sense but also your communication skills.

Be Creative and User-Centric

Innovative Thinking: Show that you can think outside the box. Discuss how you approach problem-solving and ideation, and don’t be afraid to propose bold solutions to hypothetical product challenges during your interview.

User-Centric Solutions: Always bring the conversation back to the user. Your suggestions and ideas should focus on improving the user experience, solving their problems, and providing value.

Prepare for Common Product Sense Questions

  • How would you improve our product?
  • Design a new feature for [specific product].
  • How would you prioritize feature development for [specific product]?
  • Choose a product you love. What makes it great, and how would you improve it?

Practice, Practice, Practice

Mock Interviews: Conduct mock interviews with peers or mentors to get feedback on your delivery, thought process, and how you handle questions. Practice with a variety of product types and industries to broaden your thinking.

Stay Curious: Continuously explore new products, technologies, and market trends. This curiosity will enrich your understanding of the digital product landscape, making you better equipped to answer questions about potential product innovations.

What Is “The User Is Drunk”?

Just a method that made me smile so I had to add it.

“The User is Drunk” is a product management and UX design concept that emphasizes designing products or websites so intuitive and straightforward that even someone under the influence of alcohol could use them. The term also describes the method of testing how direct a site or app is. How? By asking someone drunk to try using it.

“The User is Drunk” concept encourages designing products so straightforward that even a user impaired by alcohol could navigate them. This method has two key benefits:

  1. Simplicity in Design: It mandates the design to be minimalistic, ensuring users can navigate the interface effortlessly, and without confusion.
  2. Accommodating Distracted Users: It simulates a scenario where users might not fully focus on the app, preparing the design to be accessible even in less-than-ideal attention states, thereby improving usability for all users.

Your Roadmap to PM Interview Success

This guide unites essential strategies, insights, and real-world examples to provide a comprehensive roadmap for acing PM interviews. By understanding user needs, and market dynamics, and leveraging strategic frameworks, you can showcase your product management prowess. Prepare to dive deep into these topics, armed with examples from companies like Spotify, Airbnb, Uber, Tesla, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Google, to demonstrate your thought processes and decision-making skills. Get ready to stand out in your next PM interview and make a lasting impression.

