How to cater to myself first

Sirisha Dinavahi
Product Management Gyan (Knowledge)
2 min readJun 1, 2024

t this juncture of life there is one realization I have come to. The only one person in this world that I want to cater to or make happy is ME. Not selfishly. The consequence of making myself happy first — I’m that much better at serving others in my life — My family, my colleagues, my friends. If I don’t put that effort to make myself happy first, they will all see a cranky version of me which is not pretty.

How do I cater to myself first. These are some ways I do that.

  • 1:1 time with myself doing my favorite things — Sitting in my swing in the balcony, having my cuppa, reading or listening to music.
  • Journaling — This can be structured journaling with your thoughts and future plans or mindless scribbling. Buy a nice journal. Putting pen to paper where we spend most of our time typing is therapeutic.
  • Learn something new every day — This does not mean some serious learning. Aim to learn small fun facts. For example, I learnt recently that Albert Einstein on his deathbed mumbled something to his American nurse in German. So, his last words will never be known. This factoid amused me to no end and brings a smile every time I think of this and reminds me how life can be so quirky even of the greatest and brightest. These random learnings replace negative or overthinking in my brain with good and pleasant anecdotes.
  • Fill my free time with humor — I watch insta reels or do goofy things with my children that make me laugh out loud.
  • My hobbies — Gardening or anything related to nature.
  • Travel — Travel, as it sustains me. Knowing the world out there, people out there, listening to their stories and how they live also is integral to catering to my soul.

If I follow these every day (not all of them every day, but one or two), I feel I will be ok in personal or professional life. I am able to cope with what life throws at me with these techniques.

Also remember the list of what makes you happy will change with time. So, change your routine accordingly.

