Output vs Outcome: A Product Mindset

Jay Hawkins
Product Management in Minutes
10 min readSep 6, 2020


Until recently, there existed little in the way of a formal education route for aspiring product professionals [1] wishing to major in the subject. Most of us find ourselves being thrown head-first into the world of Product Management, learning on-the-fly while dealing with customers’ feature requests, code-hungry engineers and expectant CEOs. And while I wouldn’t change my journey into Product Management for the world, there is a danger that without a formal education, fundamental areas of Product Management may get overlooked by some of the more rudimentary practices.

One area often overlooked, or perhaps deprioritised, is that of a product mindset. A product mindset is, without doubt, one of the essential attributes of a great product manager. Therefore, it concerns me greatly that aspiring product professionals may not be fully aware of its importance in building great products.

So what constitutes a product mindset, and how do you know if you have one? You can rest assured that a product mindset is not some mystic psyche that takes decades to master, but a lens through which all product decisions are made, it’s the ability to look beyond what’s right in front of you see the bigger picture. It is a different and more profound way of thinking about the problems you are trying to solve and the customers you are solving them for, and it’s this that…



Jay Hawkins
Product Management in Minutes

Experienced Product Leader of 9 years with a passion for delivering and helping others deliver great software products.