Rapid Resume Review: B2B SaaS Product Owner

The Product Recruiter
Product Management Recruiters
2 min readNov 10, 2022

Meet Santiago! Santiago is a Product Owner with 2.5 years of experience working for a B2B SaaS company who transitioned from a career in accounting and finance into product management. Similar to many candidates who switch careers, Santiago now needs a resume that communicates like a Product Owner & Product Manager.

In this video, our Product Practice Lead explores the resume of someone whose career was in accounting/bookkeeping and now needs a resume more reflective of their experience as a B2B SaaS Product Owner.

Like many people who move from a traditional industry into tech, you will eventually have to update your resume to reflect your new career in the tech industry.

Here are our top 3 tips to help you prepare your first tech resume:

Focus on recency

Bravo on a successful pivot into a career in tech! Now is the time to focus on your most recent experiences to communicate the scope and scale of your role and the outcomes you achieved.

Tech companies want to see metrics, stats, customer names etc. Regardless of how you were measured, include it. If you won’t brag about your performance, no one else will.

Curate the past

As you begin to expand your resume’s real estate with the most recent tech experience, it will require curating the other areas of your employment section. Be a ruthless editor and curate areas where an overabundance of content is unnecessary.

Talk the talk

Every function has its own language, Sales people talk quota, ACV and ARR; Product Managers talk roadmaps, releases and pivots.

Make sure your recent experiences are written in a way that the leader of your functional area will recognize you as one of ‘their people’. This will also help with keyword searches done through ATS systems.

We hope you benefit from this Rapid Resume Review! If you would like to submit your resume and participate in our Rapid Resume Review, please email resumereviews@mbassett.com.



Product Management Recruiters
Product Management Recruiters

Published in Product Management Recruiters

We’re a North American executive search firm specializing in recruiting top talent for Product Management & other revenue-driving roles in the tech industry.

The Product Recruiter
The Product Recruiter

Written by The Product Recruiter

The Product Recruiter is a division of Martyn Bassett Associates that specializes in recruiting top talent for Product Management roles in the tech industry.