What Separates Successful Product Managers From the Rest?

The Product Recruiter
Product Management Recruiters
3 min readMar 19, 2024

The difference between a successful Product Manager and the rest isn’t just about ticking boxes on a job description. A successful PM embodies a unique blend of skills and qualities that make a difference.

They serve as the captain of the ship, guiding their teams through uncharted waters while keeping everyone focused on the big picture.

As Product Recruiters for over 20 years, we have spoken to and met many PMs, and learned what sets the best ones apart.

To be successful in this role, you need ridiculous influence, knowledge, and experience. Successful PMs are the gateways to the rest of the organization. They’re the ones who lead the charge in deciding what the product should do and how to make it happen, while still maintaining influence across many silos within the company.

Here are the traits successful Product Managers possess:

1. They channel a 360-degree view

Great Product Managers look at things from different points of view, frequently playing devil’s advocate. By leveraging this inclusive viewpoint, which incorporates user experience, customer feedback, and the needs of a cross-functional team, they gain an objective perspective. They use this to understand each team’s standpoint and align the overall vision into a single product roadmap.

2. They can forecast

They draw from past experiences and measure the progression of future projects against these benchmarks. They also have a clear understanding of how their technology can be applied to meet the needs of customers for the long term.

3. They think big

Top Product Managers are strategic thinkers who always see the bigger picture and incorporate it into the product development process. Their keen business acumen enables them to channel different perspectives from key stakeholders, internal teams and market demands. They listen to everyone’s input and use that to make the product better.

4. They’re powerful communicators

Successful PMs are excellent communicators. They know how to clearly explain their ideas and get people on board with them. They understand the importance of writing effective and compelling copy and know how to deliver on it.

5. They can innovate through minimalism

This is a major proponent of how PMs effectively manage time. There’s an elite few who understand how to design an effective product that cuts to the core of what a customer wants without including a lot of features that just add noise.

6. They deliver

Top Product Managers get stuff done and are ruthless at prioritizing what tasks should make it into the next sprint or release. They have good organizational skills and the ability to make difficult trade-offs quickly. The top PMs understand that the scope of their role doesn’t have limitations and will extend until everything is copacetic.

Recognize that successful Product Managers aren’t defined solely by their technical qualifications. Instead, they stand out for embodying these qualities, demonstrating unwavering dedication to excellence, and consistently delivering impactful results.

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The Product Recruiter
Product Management Recruiters

The Product Recruiter is a division of Martyn Bassett Associates that specializes in recruiting top talent for Product Management roles in the tech industry.