How to prepare for a Product Management Interview?

PM Life
Product Management Stories
2 min readJan 10, 2024


Congratulations on securing a product manager interview! Now that you’ve made it this far, it’s time to focus on preparing for the interview itself. Every product management role and interview process is unique, presenting its own set of challenges. However, by showcasing your curiosity, dedication, and aligning them with your knowledge and experience, you’ll be well-equipped for success in each conversation.

  1. Research Deeply:

Start by delving into the company, its products, and the individuals you’ll be talking to during the interview. Understand the problems they aim to solve. Insights into their customers, competitors, and the technologies they use can shape your responses.

2. Align Your Experience:

Thoroughly examine the job description and identify the skills and experiences most relevant to the role. Quantifiable results and accomplishments are more impactful than a list of projects.

3. Look Inward:

Reflect on why you want to work for the company. Clearly articulate your goals and demonstrate passion. Use this opportunity to reveal your values and show that you are invested in the role.

4. Get Familiar with Typical Questions:

Understand the themes of product manager interview questions, covering your background, experience, and cross-functional leadership skills. Practice responses using frameworks like DIGS, Rule of Threes, and STAR.

5. Prep Your Questions for the Interviewer:

Interviews are bidirectional. Prepare questions about the company’s leadership, processes, and work culture. This demonstrates your curiosity and helps you evaluate if the company aligns with your values.

6. Practice with Mock Interviews:

Practice verbalizing your responses with others, preferably product managers in your network. Welcome feedback to refine your answers.

7. Get Out Your Notebook:

Keep a notebook to jot down questions, interview details, and follow-up information. Stay organized and review your notes for future reference.

8. Prep a Whiteboard:

If the opportunity arises, use a whiteboard for problem-solving exercises. Digital whiteboard diagrams can enhance your communication and demonstrate critical thinking.

9. Find the Right Mindset:

Stay calm and confident. Understand that you may not have all the answers, and that’s okay. Your disposition and ability to handle challenges will be noticed.

10. Keep Track of Each Interview:

Manage your interview process by recording dates, interviewer details, and the status of each interview. Use tools like the interview tracker template to stay organized and note areas for improvement.

Remember, the interview is a chance for you to evaluate the company as much as it is for them to assess you. Approach each conversation with a positive mindset, showcasing your skills and passion for the role. Good luck!

