What is Product Management — in 5 bullet points

This topic goes much deeper but here are my quick thoughts on this infamous question:

  • At the highest level, the PM’s role is to deliver on product/market fit. Build a product that will be loved by people and find the people who’ll love it.
  • Alignment, alignment, alignment. Make sure Sales, Marketing, Design and Engineering are all on the same page.
Product Management really is the glue between UX, Tech and Business.
  • Be the voice of the user within the company. You are the user’s champion and should always have his/her interest at heart.
  • Prioritize! Is everyone working on the most important thing at all times?
  • Be the beacon that gives your teams the general direction to go towards.



Dominik Pogorzelski
Product Management Tips and Thoughts

Engineer turned Product Guy who is never satisfied with the status quo. Currently VP of Product Management at Restb.ai