Building a rockstar Product Marketing Team

Div Manickam
Product Marketing Alliance
3 min readJan 29, 2023


Unsplash | Div Manickam

When I first ventured into leadership in 2018, I didn’t know much, but took one step forward every day to be there for my team and learn from each other. And in 2021, we set out to find more answers with 6 amazing PMM leaders around the world in our To Team or not to Team PMM podcast.

Below are some of the questions that we uncovered in our podcast series:

  • What makes a good team structure in Product Marketing? (focus on the topic selected above)
  • How do you compliment the skill sets and talent across your team?
  • Do you think values and beliefs are key for building a high purpose product marketing team?
  • Share a story of how team structure was done right or an example of team structure that went wrong/sideways.
  • Any tips/guidance from your experience to help new product marketing leaders who are building their first team.

Now, having connected with 100s of product marketing leaders, here are the highlights and lessons learnt to navigate the spectrum of what good to great looks like and how to tread carefully with the internal dynamics.

  • We’re not born as leaders — we learn as we go and we also learn what we like or don’t like — which environments we thrive, which hurt our creativity.

