Experience Reimagined. Beyond the boundaries in Marketing

Div Manickam
Product Marketing Alliance
4 min readJun 19, 2020


Experience Reimagined.

We live in a world where rules and policies often define who we are and what we can or cannot do. Imagine a world with no boundaries, where we could be true to ourselves and trust everyone to be understanding and show empathy toward each other.

Look around. Our daily experiences are shaped by boundaries. Let’s look at a few branding and marketing examples that exist today and how we can reimagine the experience.

1. Website

For decades, our websites have had a defined structure. We start with a homepage, and there are a number of other pages: the “about” and “contact” pages, primary and secondary pages. A web visitor is expected to try to find what they are looking for. Today, our websites are often structured based on the different departments that exist in a company, which is not always a cohesive experience for the website visitor. It’s more about a search for what a visitor needs rather than letting us help the visitor find what they need.

Website Reimagined

What if we didn’t have the top navigation or the typical set of pages? What if the website wasn’t developed to tell its audience about the company, but to help them? What if the website was built for the primary target audience and in a way that could truly connect with…

