Positioning and Messaging: Heart and Soul of Product Marketing

Div Manickam
Product Marketing Alliance
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Have you ever wondered what makes a good positioning and messaging?

I have and we uncovered some traits and patterns on what makes a good to great positioning and messaging. Guess what, its rooted in the core principle of knowing your customer.


And as simple as that sounds, it means a lot of work to get to the essence of product marketing — the persona and why do they care. What’s in it for them and why now?

All key elements to uncover as you bring the positioning and messaging elements to life.

Voice of the customer

A single voice of the market and the customer is necessary to build a cohesive and consistent theme for the story arc. And that ownership lies with the PMM to be the steward and advocate for the market and the customer.

Messaging and Positioning framework

Messaging and Positioning framework

Create your next product or solution messaging and positioning with Div!

