Positioning and messaging: The crux of the narrative

Div Manickam
Product Marketing Alliance
4 min readAug 26, 2023


Dahlia — Unsplash | Div

I love stories that connect and I love truly well positioned narratives. Easier said than done, says everyone in the world of product marketing. Let’s uncover the hidden traits that make it good or bad in the eyes of product marketers.

In customer differentiation, I shared our team’s framework that helped us propel from words to the story arc to the $$$ narrative.

Once our buyer personas are established, we work on what we love to do — messaging and positioning. I’ve consolidated both messaging and positioning into a single framework to be the central source of truth for all product marketing efforts, from content development to launch and enablement to press releases and announcements.

A single voice of the market and the customer is necessary to build a cohesive and consistent theme for the story arc. And that ownership lies with the PMM to be the steward and advocate for the market and the customer.

Q1. What does Good Positioning and Messaging look like?

Each time, I am amazed by the collective responses, so sharing a few other examples of good positioning and messaging.

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