Manifesto 2016 — Part 2

Product Meetups in SF
2 min readMay 4, 2016


(Read Part 1 here)

Designing office space- Primo Orpilla

  • These days, each space in an office is so influenced by mobile devices! Lots of pods, standing workspaces, chargers
  • Work happens everywhere (including outside of the building)

Branch- Will Lindeman- Mobile product development

  • Is your business “mobile also” or “mobile only”? Your decision making should change based on the answer
  • Tip: Use mobile web as your app homepage
  • puts a coupon to convince people to download the app & deep links to the coupon after the download- 3x more downloads
  • Think about where your users are (digitally and physically): Yummly partnered with Instacart- when they saw a recipe they liked, one click added the ingredients into Instacart

Panel: Mobile & Web Analytics

Yelp- Eric Singley/ Yik Yak- Julie Zhou/ Wizeline- Adam Sewall/ Amplitude- Spencer Skates

  • Think about short term retention differently than long term retention — create different content for each: New user retention vs returning users vs dormant users
  • Tip: Don’t optimize for the midpoint (email open rate) — optimize for the endpoint/action you want them to take
  • Instrument everything! Test instrumentation end-to-end

How do panelists recommend we avoid drowning in data?

Find the happiest users & try to do things to emulate their experience for other cohorts

Ending Keynote: Kintan Brahmbhatt- Amazon Music

Reduce friction- this comes in the way of a user completing a task

Causes of friction

  1. Avoidable effort needed to complete a task
  2. Unnatural context switching
  3. Count & complexity of decisions

Book recommendation: The Hard Thing about Hard Things

Last thing: SC Moatti has published a book Mobilized that she gave away (with a request to donate, nice!). I’ve gotten about halfway through the book and it has lots of mobile companies & apps’ case studies and examples from her personal experience and her network.



Product Meetups in SF

Product manager at, SEO and customer experience expert; love cooking, reading, running. SF resident by way of Austin, Texas.