Chatbot and Automation For Daily Life

Alfian Yusuf Abdullah
Product Monday
4 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

When you hear Chatbot or Automation, what comes to your mind? Something that is built with high-level technology may be imagined. Chatbot or Automation is a technology that is currently developing very quickly. Many have started to adopt this chatbot and automation technology for daily life, both in social and work environments. In fact, many platforms provide services so that we can immediately use them without creating them from scratch.

How it works

What kind of productivity can be increased with a Chatbot? Before answering that question, imagine that you work in a place that provides free lunch. But to get the lunch, you must first fill out a form with a specific time limit. Have you imagined the function of the Chatbot here? Still not yet? OK, let’s move on.

Now try to imagine you are being chased by a tight deadline. Are you still thinking about filling out the form for a free lunch? I think you will forget. Well, you need “someone” to remind you to fill out the form, right? This is where the role of the Chatbot comes in.

Here the Chatbot will be on duty to remind you and even help you fill out the lunch form. Confused about what it means? I’ll try to give you an example of this.

The screenshot above is an example of a Telegram Bot that I’m trying to use to create a chatbot to remind me to fill out a lunch form.

Role of automation

From the case above, the problem regarding filling out the free lunch form is still not resolved. Why? You can notice you are only reminded to fill in where you still need to confirm. Here we can take advantage of what is called Automation so that the lunch form is completely filled out automatically. Confused? Take a look at the example below:

Automation will be in charge of running behind the scenes to fill out forms without any confirmation from us first. This way, the free lunch form will actually be filled out automatically. How? Already have a chatbot image that you want to create?

But, then why do we need a chatbot? You can directly backend the contents without having to create a chatbot.

Yup, that was the question that arose when this bot was created. But there is one exciting thing that I found out while exploring Chatbots.

No matter how sophisticated a chatbot is, there must be a process where we will collect information data such as messages, models, interactions, etc. So that the chatbots that we create are not random when responding to messages we send.

So what does this have to do with the current case? Can you guess how the Chatbot understands the information to enter into the form? For example, name, division, date, and some other information. This is where the role of chatbots is so that our communication with Automation can take place in two directions.

Two-way communication is how we tell Automation some of the information to be filled in. An example of its implementation is as follows:

The chatbot interaction above is to store our information which will later be used by Automation.

Can’t you just hardcoded the information? Why should it be saved?

At work, you usually don’t work alone. You must have buddies at work. Just imagine that the two of you are being chased by a deadline, but instead, he is busy filling out the lunch form when the deadline is very tight. Undoubtedly you will be hampered, right? Think again of a broader scope, for example, one workplace. You can imagine the campaign that didn’t work because of the free launch~

The purpose of this interaction is so that the Chatbot that we create can be used by others. That way, we can focus more on other, more essential things.

When does productivity increase?

With us able to do the essential things, we will focus on what is being done. With our focus, we will be more productive.

Are there any other work examples directly related to work?

OK, last example. Imagine that you are suddenly given a spreadsheet with 1 million rows and asked to be entered into the platform. Do you want to insert the data one by one? Imagine the time it would take you. Yep, we can ask for help from Automation.

That’s a little discussion about chatbots and Automation; see you in the next stories~

