Empathic Listening: The Make or Break in Building Trust

Product Narrative
Product Narrative Publication
2 min readJan 26, 2019
Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels

Author’s note (2021.06.07): Hello, we’re moving most of our articles to our website. Our articles — including this one — and brand new materials can be found there. Please click here to read the full article. Thank you!

Welcome to Shared Narrative #14!

We started 2019 with excitement because these past few weeks we have started our engagement with a company we have been admiring for so long! This company has shaped the digital ecosystem in Indonesia for the better. It’s a privilege for us to work with them.

Our engagement started with us getting as much information as possible to understand and appreciate the current challenges and practices inside the company. Practices that work or perhaps don’t. Any information that will be valuable for our later analysis.

To get the information, we have been given permission to conduct interviews. As it turned out, not only we got useful information, but we also learned something valuable that we hadn’t anticipated.

An interview is a combination of art and skill. It consists of talking (or asking questions) and listening. However, we learned that the act of listening, instead of talking, should take the most time during the interview. But, not just any kind of listening. We’re specifically referring to the emphatic listening and active listening. These two play a big role in the success of our interviews.

What exactly are emphatic listening and active listening? And how do these two types of listening can make or break the interview?

We’ll discuss empathic listening in this edition and active listening next.

Please click here to read the full article.


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Want to find out more . . .

Check out our website to find out why we set up Product Narrative.

Or you can read past editions of Shared Narrative here: #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13

Visit our blog to read more articles and writings like this.

Have a great weekend!

— The Product Narrative Team

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Product Narrative
Product Narrative Publication

We help company leaders add more hours to build their business — by coaching their teams to self-manage to support the shared company goals.