The Common Mistakes in Writing OKR

Product Narrative
Product Narrative Publication
2 min readDec 26, 2018
Image credit: faithiecannoise

Author’s note (2021.09.07): Hello, we’re moving most of our articles to our website. Our articles — including this one — and brand new materials can be found there. Click here to read the article in its entirety. Thank you!

Welcome to Shared Narrative #11!

OKR is an extremely effective goal setting practice. To successfully implement OKR, however, there are two challenges most teams must overcome during the first few weeks (or months) into their OKR implementation. Shared Narrative #10 explained the first challenge that is the resistance usually occurs upon the introduction of OKR. This is rather as expected because people usually don’t like change. The related participants would need to make time and effort to absorb OKR into their routine. The key to overcoming resistance is iteration. You should not let resistance and failure discourage you from staying on course. You need to track closely what works, and what does not, and you do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

The second challenge is in the writing of OKR itself. A well-written OKR doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to put the idea of what your OKR should be in writing. One useful tip is to avoid common mistakes people make with their OKR.

Please click here to read the full version of this article.


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Have a great weekend!

— The Product Narrative Team

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Product Narrative
Product Narrative Publication

We help company leaders add more hours to build their business — by coaching their teams to self-manage to support the shared company goals.