Vancouver, BC,

why I love Unbounce

product love

Raghu Havaldar
product passion
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2013


There are a few products I love. I am sure you have your favorites. Products make a big difference in my life. They make me more efficient. They make me more creative. They make me think. They solve hard problems, easily. They better my life.

Unbounce is a product that I love, wholeheartedly. It is a tool to build landing pages, publish them, and monitor usage. It is that simple. The problem for one who lives lean and does a ton of experiments, I am short on time and low on patience. I want to build things quickly (esp. small in scope), try it out, and refine. I want the tool to support my need for functionality and speed. Unbounce does not fail to impress.

Here are the top reasons why I love Unbounce (in no particular order):

Flexibility: You have an infinite number of ways in which you can build your landing page. You can start small. You can add images, videos, icons, etc. You can layout in whichever way you want. You can add custom CSS. You can add javascript, google analytics, or any other code to track all the activities on the page. You can embed this as part of your conversion funnel (part of multi-page). You can customize it all day long. You can dream up whatever you want. The product lets you play, have fun. Yes, its flexibility rocks.

Ease of Use: Starting is super, dead simple and easy.There are a number of templates. You can drag and drop. You can create your own templates. The defaults deliver good UX — so you don’t worry if you have not customized every attribute of every element. You can start simple, add a couple pieces of content, and hit publish. boom. You have a beautiful page ready to rock.And, it is all built within your browser — true WYSIWYG. No plugins. No special controls. You are ready to go in a few seconds. Ease of Use — defined.

Powerful Features: You have a ton of templates to give you ideas. You can create whatever layout you want. You can add any type of content. You can customized every pixel. You can change borders and backgrounds. You can get the color scheme exactly to your design specs. You can add javascript or any types of analytics/tracking code. You can duplicate pages to build on prior work. You can A/B test. You can have multiple variants — in fact the designers believe so strongly in A/B testing that it is strongly embedded in landing page development. You can analyze visits, signs ups, and compare one page or variant vs other. You can get notifications on sign ups. You can publish to MailChimp to begin your email drip campaign. You can publish to Salesforce. You can…’nuff said.

Flawless Execution: It just works. The defaults work well and do not surprise you in any awkward way. The page looks just like your design. I have barely seen any errors or bugs (or somehow I was oblivious to them!). Create a page? — click. Publish a page? — click. Preview a page? — click. I am an engineer but I am also have a ton of things I want to accomplish in a day. If needed, I want to be able to customize. For most part, I want to start small, execute, test, and then refine. Unbounce executes flawlessly, like its magic. Yes, the experience is beautiful.

Standout UX: This is my most cherished feature. The navigation is dead simple but also all the possibilities are very accessible. All the information you need is available at your fingertips. It is also very contextual. The right information is presented at the right time. The UI elements are sized just right to begin with (based on “best practices”). You can go as deep as you want with navigation. Otherwise, the default suffices. There is no “premium” feature. All the premium features are there (from a design standpoint) for everyone to use. It is a premium product. You can use the default images/icons (actually well designed) or you can upload your own library. The visual elements (e.g. buttons, labels, etc.) are beautifully designed and presented. The (default) fonts are carefully chosen to be easily readable across devices and lighting situations. Both the interaction and visual design effectively, efficiently, and beautifully surface the powerful functionality. I am no UX expert but can recognize a good piece of work.

Thanks Unbounce. I am your customer for life. Here’s a shout out to Vancouver — a beautiful, wonderful city!



Raghu Havaldar
product passion

Product. Entrepreneur. Startups. Commerce. Scaling.