How did this happen?

Justin Jackson
Product People
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Feb 4, 2020

It’s been years since I’ve published anything on Medium. (Hi, it’s me, Justin Jackson).

But (somehow) I’ve accrued nearly 6,000 followers here?!

Since I stopped writing on Medium, I’ve been focused on building a startup called (with my co-founder Jon Buda). It’s a podcast hosting and analytics platform.

Jon and I met at XOXO in 2014. I had a beard then!

We started in early 2018 and built it from $0 in MRR, to over $550,000 in ARR today.

I’ve been sharing our progress in this bootstrapping series:

And on our podcast:

If you’re on a bootstrapping journey, you might like those too. 👌

Justin Jackson

PS: if you’re looking to start a podcast in 2022, I just published this guide for you. I’ve also just released a new video:

