When To Hire More People

Tami Reiss
Product Ponderings
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2019

Tami Reiss is the founder of The Product Leader Coach where she works with product leaders and teams to realize their potential by focusing on their strengths.

Congrats, you and your co-founder have found moderate success with validating your idea, but now you need people to help you execute your plan. Who should you hire to join your team and when is the right time to bring them onboard?

First thing to think about is where are your weaknesses currently, and what type of people can help you fill those gaps. Do you need a strong sales person? Or does your site need a UX designer? Maybe you need a developer? How about an admin to help you schedule?

Then, decide if you need this person immediately or if you can wait. Can current team members pick up the slack? If not, put up the job posting. If you can wait, but you know it’s not sustainable for more than a few weeks, start the search.

Finally, consider whether this is a short-term need and how much effort will be involved. If someone can redesign your site in a few weeks and then only be involved a few hours a week, hire a contractor. If you see this person as a key member of growing your organization, look for a full-time candidate that can evolve with you.

Side Note: When hiring someone to join your team in a W-2 capacity, make sure that you have enough work for them and enough money to pay them for at least 6 months. It’s unfair to promise anyone anything less than that and it’s also unreasonable for them to expect more than that from a startup.

Hi! I’m Tami, the founder of The Product Leader Coach where I work with product leaders and teams to realize their potential by focusing on their strengths.

If you enjoyed this post, I am available for product leadership coaching or team training. Learn more about my services and upcoming children’s book.



Tami Reiss
Product Ponderings

Product Leader Coach @tamireiss guides you to focus on your strengths to achieve your goals. Instructor @ Product Institute, Kellogg, Wharton, and more.