Time to Shift to Product Post on Substack: A Move from Medium

Time to take my writing to the next level, with my own publication: The Product Post.

Andrew Quan
Product Post


Hey all,

I have some exciting news to share.

Photo by Yannik Mika on Unsplash

After careful consideration, I’ve decided to slowly transition away from writing on Medium exclusively, to create my own own newsletter on the Substack platform: the Product Post.

It was not an easy decision, so let me give you a quick rundown of some reasons why.

1. Tailored Content Experience

I heavily enjoyed Medium as a global platform to reach readers in other publications, but couldn’t help but feel that I was missing the opportunity to create a more personal touch and make my own publication by myself.

While I could create and maintain a publication on Medium, the audience is then somewhat tailored to Medium users primarily, then the general public after. Ideally, the content is free for all (and, when needed, monetised for premium content).

Product Post on Substack is my way of creating a more intimate space where I can discuss all things products and tech without the chance the reader would get distracted by surrounding content, while also having…



Andrew Quan
Product Post

Product Leader @ Moonfare | Ex-PayPal Ex-Tier | Author @ Product Post