What I’ve Learned During Quarantine and The Time That Followed (2/2 posts) : Mind Control

Anna Rogachevsky (Lotker)
Visual. Spice. Latte.
3 min readSep 17, 2020

In continuation to my previous post about action items I established for myself at 2020, where I talked about time related ones, I would like to introduce you to the four mind related ones.

All we need is to keep ourselves fresh, focused and positive. As simple as that.

1. Make an inspiration board — to get a clear vision of your target

For me, when I’m in between projects, it’s very hard to prioritize and decide which project on my wish list should be next. I have a very long list and staring at it makes me feel overwhelmed and clueless.

That is when an inspiration board becomes handy.

On a big piece of paper or on a Pinterest board, you put all of the following: pictures, words, quotes, links, names and events that reflect your next goal in life. You will realize in the making or right after looking at the outcome, that it’s pretty obvious what you want and should do next.

Sometimes we just need to get into the process of creating and doing something(instead of over thinking), in order to understand what it is that we really want to do.

2. Use the power of freebies — to get a sense about a new field

One of the main things that happened during this time was that everyone got “online” even more than before. This created more opportunities for those who want to make money by offering their services on the web.

Most of them offer a small package, some reading material or a free trial. Even though I’m all for paying those who work hard and share their knowledge with you, it’s still a good way to get an introduction to a new field or perspective. It can be something technical, creative, motivating, sportive or just pure fun.

Like wine tasting or a spoon of ice- cream before ordering- you definitely should try before you go all the way(and buy).

3. Do things that make you feel good — to get that positive feedback from yourself

Help your confidence and encourage yourself to feel good. Go for a hike, workout, eat in a good restaurant or order a massage session. Whatever gesture it takes to remind yourself you’re worthy.

4. Keep on going — to get somewhere

We have those days when our energy is low. Those days when we don’t feel like doing anything productive and we just sit in front of the TV. Allow yourself to have those days, but don’t make it into your routine.

If you’re looking for a job, continue to apply, even if it doesn’t seem promising or you’re not sure what you’re looking for. Something will always come around. Even if it won’t be your dream job — you’ll get to know the market and get experience and confidence talking to HR coordinators and interviewers.

If you want to read a book but you’re just too lazy to do so — put it on the coffee table or next to your bed. Start by picking it up and reading a few pages just before bed time. If it’s a good book — it will do the rest and you are soon going to finish it.

This year allowed me to have several deep meaningful conversations with myself. It helped me see where I hide my talent, overcome my fears, acknowledge what I want and build the plan to get there. But, most importantly, this year enlightened me that I’m surrounded by the most kind and supportive people I could have asked.

Shana Tova and please share your thoughts in the comments.

