A Decade of Community and Conversation: The Journey of Product Tonic Unconference

Michael Ong
Product Team Tonic
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2023
Product Tonic Unconference — Our Journey

Ten years ago, the spark of a shared interest ignited a community in Singapore. It began informally with the Product Group — a congregation of passionate individuals like Khai Seng, Raven, KC, Lena, Zach, Anh, and myself, eventually snowballing into a series of engagements and connections across the globe.

The Genesis

Our humble beginnings paved the way for collaboration with ProductCamp Singapore, introducing me to the like-minded Sander and Wen and expanding our horizons to meet veterans in the field. We were fortunate to experience the vibe and knowledge at international events like Leading the Product in Australia, Mind the Product in London & San Francisco, and the Product Management Festival in Zurich, all of which fueled our passion further.

Through these years, I also had the honor of being involved with UXSG, hosting three conferences, and participating in UX, Product & Agile events across Southeast Asia, collaborating with diverse and vibrant learning communities. Every encounter was a step towards a broader understanding and a shared vision.

The Journey and The Laughter

The road was filled with laughter, learning, and a series of polite refusals. Whenever the idea of organizing a “product conference” arose, my immediate response was, “Will you help to run it together?” This led to a myriad of reactions — laughter, contemplation, and often, the eventual fading of the proposal as life’s priorities took center stage.

The Retreat and Reflection

In 2018, a shift in my professional journey allowed me to bring together various product communities. We pondered on the format — a conference or a retreat? A retreat was our unanimous choice, a space for open discussions and meaningful connections. The idea resonated with many, and our first retreat in Bali saw 42 participants delving into community, culture, scaling, and the pursuit of meaningful work.

Post-retreat, I embarked on a contemplative bicycle trip across the US, reflecting on designing communities for meaningful relationships and the power of collective thinking. The concept of leveraging facilitation techniques to foster genuine dialogue became a cornerstone of our approach.

The Evolution and Collaboration

With unwavering support and collaboration from community leaders, we initiated the first Product Tonic Unconference Online in 2018. The subsequent years witnessed the congregation of 332 participants discussing a myriad of 73 topics, each session a testament to the power of shared knowledge and dialogue.

The enthusiasm was contagious. Jerome, a participant in 2022, proposed bringing back in-person open spaces, leading to collaborative initiatives and furthering our discourse on sustainability. Our paths crossed with the incredible team at Ground Up Initiative (GUI), setting the foundation for the upcoming Product Tonic Unconference in Singapore.

A New Chapter

Now, a decade later, we stand at the threshold of a new chapter. The product community has blossomed, with new organizers and initiatives emerging, and GUI transitioning to a new space. The upcoming unconference on 21st October 2023, themed “Opening Space for a New Chapter,” is a culmination of our journey and a gateway to endless possibilities.

Whoever comes is the right people. Whenever it starts is the right time. Wherever it is, is the right place. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have, be prepared to be surprised! When it’s over, it’s over.

A rising tide lifts all boats — this unconference is our dialogue among Product Leaders in Southeast Asia to co-create community initiatives and elevate the stature of Product Management in the industry. More than 42 have already signed up — join us in this journey of genuine dialogue and meaningful conversations at Product Tonic Unconference 2023.



Michael Ong
Product Team Tonic

Professional Leisure Cyclist + Community Builder + Facilitator, Trainer & Coach for Individuals & Product teams to thrive in work & (serious) play