How to Accelerate into Product Leadership (2/4) : Adaptive Skills

Michael Ong
Product Team Tonic
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2022

Following the kick-off on our path to product leadership on 20 Jan 2022, we followed-up with a deep dive on 10 Feb 2022 on “How to Accelerate into Product Leadership : Adaptive Skills” presented by #ProductTonic Community.

We had 56 registered from the various communities of practices like PM Huddle, Product PH, Product Management SG, UXSG, UXMY, UXPH across Southeast Asia.

Self-guided slides are available at

In the previous session, we had shared about our first iteration at creating a common space for co-creation between young/junior professionals considering “What can help sharpen my skills?”, busy/senior professionals wondering “what is next for me?” and wicked societal problems that requires “Dialogue and co-generative action” via the #ProductTonicLab Initiative.

Product Tonic Lab Cohort 1 Learning Journey. Read more about the experience

After a quick recap, we asked the group about skills which they considered important for Product Leadership, the group focused on top 3 with a focus on core skills

  • Communicating with stakeholders
  • Problem Solving
  • Facilitating Conversations

We also shared about newly introduced Product Proficiency Framework by the Association of Product Professionals understanding about how Product Leadership can be broken down into Do, Collaborate, Impact, Guide and Lead stages in one’s career.

Association of Product Professionals : Product Proficiency Framework

Via a quick self-assessment and understanding of where support could be found in developing skills in the product management domain — 20 technical and 6 adaptive, participants also had a discussion around their personal growth areas.

What participants found surprising

  • “that we all struggle with similar things regardless of seniority”
  • “Product management is more than just literally (about) product. It’s also self discovery”
  • Market strategy/tactics had more growth areas compared to Operational Strategy/Tactics

What did they learn?

  • “i know more things that i do not know of :)”
  • “more about myself (strengths and weaknesses)”
  • “What really is product management”

Why is this important to reframe the WHY/WHO/HOW/WHAT?

#ProductTonic’s mission is to create a space for co-creation between young/junior professionals considering “What can help sharpen my skills?”, busy/senior professionals wondering “what is next for me?” and wicked societal problems that requires “Dialogue and co-generative action”.

In 2021, we launched the first #ProductTonicLab cohort that touched upon topics like Product Leadership / Decisions / Trust / Sustainability / Resilience / Mentorship / Ownership / Culture / Economy / Self.

Participants who took part felt it was a great personal self-development journey as they learnt more about their personal developmental backlog guided by industry mentors who have walked similar paths.

Interested to take part in Cohort 2 and 3 starting in April & June 2022?

Here is the info deck with testimonials and interest form

How to Accelerate into Product Leadership (2/4) : Adaptive Skills [facilitated on 10 Feb 2022]

Self-guided slides are available at

This series was first prototyped at Product Tonic Unconference 2021 as a topic “Designing your Product Leadership journey”.

#producttonic #producttoniclab #southeastasia #productleadership #productmanagement #skills #skillsdevelopment



Michael Ong
Product Team Tonic

Professional Leisure Cyclist + Community Builder + Facilitator, Trainer & Coach for Individuals & Product teams to thrive in work & (serious) play