Product Tonic Cohort 2 Meetup #6 — Mentoring

Albert Hardy
Product Team Tonic
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2023

22 September 22 — Creating chemistry session for mentor and mentees

Mentoring plays an important role in the development journey of participants in the PTL program. It provides them with guidance, support, insights, and access to a network that can help them grow and succeed in their careers. In the second cohort, the mentoring journey begins after participants have established a shared understanding through team meetups. The goal of this session is to facilitate connections between participants and mentors according to their needs and values.

Affirming your values

Participants are invited to review and pair-share list of values that they hold and come up with three-word personal mission statement

Credit : Personal Values Assessment

Like the participants in the PTL program, the mentors also have established their own values and principles that guide their mentoring approach to meet cohort’ needs and values

World Cafe (hosted by Mentors)

To facilitate meaningful conversations with mentors during World Cafe, participants are encouraged to reflect the following questions:

  • Why did I join as a PTL participant?
  • What can I offer?
  • What questions am I interested in?

Reminder on World Cafe Activity Guidelines
  • Speak with your MIND and HEART
  • Slow down to reflect
  • Link and connect IDEAS
  • Focus on what matters
  • Mentor will host the conversations

3 Rounds of Table Conversations

  • Round #1: Share about your 3-word mission
  • Round #2: What is the 1 topic on your mind?
  • Round #3: What do you hope to receive as a mentor / mentee?

As World Cafe wraps up, participants are invited to take note “What do you appreciate from Round 1?” and “What observations and facts stand out for you?”. Some notes:

  • We all have balance as values
  • How to be productive without burning out and how to get into innovative space
  • Simple solutions can get buy-in if it gets the job done
  • Finding focus
  • “Once you go beer, you never go back”


  • Closing retreats: Shift your perspective to increase your success (Session #1) and What’s next? (Session #2)
  • What’s your hope and wishes until the closing retreat?

The participants and mentors were given the responsibility of self-arranging their schedule and mentorship arrangement.


This is a summary notes for Product Tonic Labs 2022 that is taking place from June — December 2022

Product Tonic Lab is open source
This work is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0). This work is derivative of Prime/OS, Theory U concepts, #ProductBeer, #ProductTonic and The Collab Folks (TCF) “The Learning Circle v1-v3” and “TCF v1-v5.5”.

Materials in Product Tonic Meetups

This work is based on “The Collab Folks”, Cactus team and many sources.

