Product Weekly — Feb 5, 2016

Mark Hazlett
Product Weekly
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2016

Scope. Time. Talent. This is the builder’s abacus, the creator’s code, the manager’s mantra. Julie Zhuo talks about how quality is a bar and not a tradeoff in Quality is not a tradeoff. (Medium)

Mike Belsito, co-founder at Product Collective writes about what Product VP’s at high growth startups have in common. Product leaders at high-growth startups are smart, have deep experience, yet while many are technical, there are fewer true technical product people leading product organizations than you might have expected. Read more in What Product VPs At High-Growth Startups Have In Common.

Ziad Ismail talks about why startups still fail after achieving product market fit. The culprit is not achieving product economic fit. He urges founders to think about what happens if you do get product market fit in Why Startups Fail after Product-Market Fit.

Alan Klement talks specific details on the jobs to be done framework & how to replace traditional user stories with updated job stories in Replacing The User Story With The Job Story.

Margaret Stewart from Facebook talks about their 4 business design principles for crafting elegant tools here.

Martin Eriksson talks about how to use the Kano model to prioritize your roadmap. He talked about an ongoing relationship with your customers to ensure that features you think are delighters aren’t turning into basic expectations in Using The Kano Model To Prioritize Product Development.

In this episode of seeking wisdom David Cancel talks about how waterfall and agile just don’t work anymore. Listen on Soundcloud.

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Mark Hazlett
Product Weekly

Product Manager @ Co-Author of Previously Clio, Goodbits, Expedia and iStock.