iAdvize uses productboard to help companies spark meaningful customer interactions

productboard helps product leaders rally their organizations around a common product vision

The Age of Product Excellence
5 min readJul 27, 2017


Florent Gosselin is VP of Product at iAdvize, the full stack conversational marketing platform. With hundreds of colleagues contributing user feedback from 600 brands across 40 countries, Florent’s biggest pain point has long been collecting ideas and feedback from all these stakeholders and routing them to PMs on his six product teams. In the past, the challenges of getting the right feedback to the right people made this prohibitive. There had to be a better way to inform the product team before making important prioritization decisions.

Gathering feedback in one place

Florent tried a number of tools for product managers, but found them too complex, too focused on one specific part of the product process (e.g. sprint planning), or lacking in the area of user feedback aggregation. But when he found productboard, he saw something different. It let him quickly set up a pipeline to route incoming feedback into a single shared repository. From there, PMs could respond directly to colleagues by providing updates, or explain the status of functionality being requested. And because all incoming feedback could be linked to related feature ideas, his team was able to follow up with those who’ve requested certain functionality when it was launched.

“With productboard, we’ve offered a simple way for people outside our product team to send their feedback, while allowing our product team to qualify and consolidate all these pieces of feedback without the headache. That’s a strong way to boost transparency and let colleagues know they have a say.”

Deciding what to build next

productboard has also proven helpful for feature prioritization. iAdvize uses the Features board to structure all of their feature ideas according to what customer needs they address. PMs rely on the User impact score to quickly detect the most valuable features based on feedback customers have provided.

They also use productboard’s Initiatives to group feature ideas and assign them to the proper product teams, and the Prioritization score to support their decisions over what to build using quantifiable data. In this way, they’re able to consider the needs of customers and prospects — as well as product strategy — as they advance their product.

“Having worked in the Product Management & Design field for nearly a decade, I am delighted to see solutions like productboard come onto the market. They can have a huge impact on the quality and relevance of products by making them more customer-driven.”

Sharing the product strategy across the organization

Before productboard, iAdvize struggled for some time (as many companies do) to find an adequate way to provide visibility into their roadmap. Now they use productboard’s Releases board to organize their high-level product plans and the Roadmap board for sharing them out across the organization.

“We’ve found the Releases board to be quite effective for running our weekly progress meetings with all designers and PMs in the same room. It became our main tool to discuss what’s getting built in the coming months and what will get released when.”

Florent’s team also uses productboard during routine events they host to shed light on the product process and explain their team’s priorities to others in the organization. Each event is hosted by a different PM and covers a new area of the product, like Reporting, or Behavioral targeting. The host can refer to productboard to show attendees what functionality they’re planning on building and why — even citing specific feedback they’ve received that support their decisions.

As Florent explained, “Now we can say, ‘Here’s what our customers/prospects told us over the last few months, and here’s why we are making such decisions. What do you think? Sometimes people give new feedback they didn’t send earlier.”

Not only does that help the product team validate ideas and capture new insights, it lets them bring colleagues into the fold.

“Over the past few years, I’ve learned that if your organization relies on Sales and Customer Success, the way you communicate your product strategy to them is just as important as the strategy itself. productboard is really helpful for this.”

An all-in-one product management solution

Above all, the iAdvize product team has appreciated that productboard is specifically dedicated to helping them work out their product vision, not just manage product implementation.

“We needed a simple way for everyone to see where the product is going — for everyone to understand how teams are building the product and why. That’s something we didn’t have before and it was a major painpoint while using JIRA, Keynote, or spreadsheets.”

While you can write out vision statements or capture feature backlogs in any number of tools, only a dedicated product management solution like productboard gives you the full picture surrounding what your users need and why. And as the team at iAdvize is quick to point out, the added context makes a big difference.

productboard is the all-in-one product management platform that helps teams understand what users need, prioritize what to build next, and earn buy-in for their roadmaps. productboard is the product management solution of choice at modern, fast-growing companies like iAdvize — organizations with passionate teams dedicated to making products that matter.

iAdvize is the first full stack conversational marketing platform. It enables brands to predict conversation opportunities and helps consumers connect with authentic experts 24/7. Founded in 2010, iAdvize helps 600 brands across 40 countries to manage €1B CLV.



The Age of Product Excellence

Understand what users need | Prioritize what to build next | Rally everyone around your roadmap | http://productboard.com