Level 2 Unlocked: Public Beta

Samet Özkale
Producter Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2022

A year after releasing the private beta

We published the first version of Producter shortly after quitting our full-time jobs. We had our first closed beta user create the workspace last year at these times.

It has been a very intense year filled with learning and challenges. All our users have provided us with a lot of useful feedback. As a team, analyzing data and metrics became our cardio :) Every day, we improved and developed.

Let’s take a closer look at our priblvate beta process:

🔢 Numbers

Our waitlist included many early users, so you weren’t alone. Over 3000 people signed up for the waitlist during the private beta. More than 4500 people followed us on social media. 1000+ were workspaces created. We achieved high conversion rates for workspace creation.

Our website received traffic from 155 different countries. Our Slack community has grown to more than 550 product people despite spending little time on it lately. We received a $300K pre-seed round investment from VCs who believed in us early. Our content has been seen by more than 20000 people and was examined in detail by more than half of them in this one year.

⭕️ Mistakes

We made a lot of mistakes, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Our experience has taught us many things, from how long the work can take, to the current imbalance of the markets, or the fact that the content we trust most about lead generation only excites us, to the fact that every job we do not scale increases our costs.

However, we have documented all these processes, foresight, and experiences that have become outputs, and we continue to do so. Before us, nobody had built Producter. This is why success is a product of mistakes and truths being a part of the story and what kind of puzzle we can create from these pieces. Step by step, we will strive to achieve the best.

✨ Facts

In reality, determining the truth requires more time and data. We are confident about three things:

  • Taking a product-led approach to growth
  • Producing quality content as much as possible
  • Actively feeling the pulse of product-oriented communities

It is pretty enjoyable to try to increase the number of facts.

It takes a lot of micro-actions without giving up to achieve the right thing. Conversion rates, awareness, and big growth move all reflect this at different times. The output of this constant, sustained search for facts is what makes them what they are. As I wrote this part, I also realized that sharing all the experiments we saw working along the way is important. #buildinpublic

⛳ Milestones

The importance of milestones in startups cannot be overstated. Building an engineering team was one of the most challenging things for us. We have put great efforts into protecting the exchange rate imbalance and our pre-investment budget. However, those who followed us collected the crumbs we left on the way.

We got featured in The Financial Times and got two awards from Finances Online. We felt the stickiness of our product when it was down for two days, and all our active users contacted us. As a result of our efforts, Productool was named Product Hunt’s #1 Product of the Day. The first month of building our team — excellent work right from the start. We reached more milestones and broke more barriers. Now we’re moving on to the new ones 🚀

🔓 A Sneak Peek: Public Beta

Here we are, exactly one year later, announcing our Public Beta. Our new version includes Feedback Management, Task Management, and Documentation modules, as well as numerous bug fixes and a user-centric interface.

As we continue to develop these three modules, you will be able to manage your product management process in one place. Product companies will certainly be excited about new features, improved performance, and bringing teams together under one roof through our new integrations. Now Level 2 Unlocked: Public Beta 🎉

🎁 Save Your Spot For Our Special Offer

Our first and only community campaign marks the launch of Public Beta as a way to show our gratitude to our early supporters who partnered with as well as contributed their feedback and faith.

Among the many benefits of this campaign are a great price advantage, being on the early adapter list, and not being affected by future price changes.

Let’s discuss the details if you’ve created a Producter workspace through the early believers waiting list. You can book a slot here.

Be Producter! Be Product-Led!

Producter is a product management tool designed to become customer-driven.

It helps you create collect feedback, manage tasks, sharing product updates, creating product docs, and tracking roadmap.

👉🏻 Sign up Producter for free

Originally published at https://blog.producter.co on August 4, 2022.

