Producter Glossary: Product

Samet Özkale
Producter Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2021

Product is a collection of core business features that deliver the complete product experience to a defined set of market segments. Software and data can make up an entire product. A product may also involve hardware and facilities in delivering the whole product experience.

In short, a software product is designed to solve a problem in the market or solve a client’s need by a company.

Product = Customer x Business x Technology

Product Success

Simple principles are at the heart of a software product’s success. It is critical to seek and act on user feedback, keep users updated on the product strategy, focus on customer-driven outcomes, and provide the most integrated and engaging user experience.

Product Value

The product value is derived from the intersection between the user’s desire for the product and the degree to which it solves the user’s pain.

For product companies to calculate the product value, the user’s pain cost along with the product’s cost alone must be considered.


By its nature, a product has no conclusion. It has several outputs and requires continuous and sustainable development. However, this article must come to an end.

Knowing your market well and being customer-driven is key if you are building a product. You should identify value-focused KPIs that arise from the relationship between your personas and your product.

You should collaboratively manage your process using an all-in-one product management tool. To build a successful product company, you need a product-led mindset along with providing all of these.

