Product Decision #4: How One Low Effort Feature Increased Sales By 3x For This SaaS Startup

Product Instinct
Product Instinct
Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2016

This is #4 in a collection of posts highlighting decisions made in tech to build and grow products.

Product Decision

SaaS startup ‘Know Your Company’ tripled their monthly sales numbers by building a feature that leveraged a key insight from their churned customers. Since the goal of the product is to help CEOs understand their employees, participation rate of the employees turned out to be the key determining factor in justifying the value of the product. With that in mind, they built a feature that reminded employees to answer the Know Your Company’s questionnaire. More importantly, they had the email come directly from the CEO addressing the employee. This resulted in a 64% increase in employee response rate, which increased the trial-to-paid conversion.


Here’s what they came up:

Read the full article here.

Have you tried something similar at your company? If so, share your results in the comments.

