Liz Forkin Bohannon: Why Business May Be the Best Vehicle for Social Change (Episode 198)

Charlie Gilkey
Productive Flourishing
2 min readJun 14, 2018
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Topics We Explored:

  • How Liz came to work with women in Uganda, and how the idea of creating sandals began even though she was never into fashion
  • Why it’s so important to empower women to be equal contributors to the marketplace
  • Why the decision to become a true business, rather than a non-profit, made the most sense when it came to using capitalism as a way do good and support the people Liz was working with in Uganda
  • What the challenges are in running a vertically integrated company, and how to stay focused on your overall mission

“When women are included in the workplace, when they’re included in government structures, when they’re included in the private sector, everyone benefits from that.” — Liz Forkin Bohannon

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

About Liz Forkin Bohannon:

Liz Forkin Bohannon is the founder and CEO of Sseko Designs. Sseko Designs is an ethical fashion brand that works to educate and empower women. By providing employment and educational opportunities, Sseko enables women to continue their education and become leaders in their country.

The Sseko story has been featured in dozens of publications including: Vogue Magazine, Redbook Magazine, O Magazine, Inc., Fortune and others. Sseko has appeared on national broadcasts including ABC’s Shark Tank and Good Morning America. Among other notable honors, Liz was recently named a top three Transformation Leader by John Maxwell, Forbes listed her as a top 20 public speaker in the U.S. and Bloomberg Businessweek named her as top social entrepreneur to watch.

She lives in Portland, Oregon where she runs Sseko and raises her toddler son, Theo with her husband and company co-founder Ben.

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Charlie Gilkey
Productive Flourishing

Author of Team Habits - - and the best-selling Start Finishing. Executive coach, investor, and philospher.