Stan Tatkin: What Keeps You and Your Partner Together When the World Pulls You Apart? (Episode 191)

Charlie Gilkey
Productive Flourishing
2 min readApr 26, 2018
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Topics We Explored:

  • Why relationships are such an important part of our lives and, at the same time, why the challenges that come with them can be so detrimental within our lives
  • Why most of us think with our feelings first, as opposed to thinking first with our thoughts
  • How to approach relationships from a lense of work, and how you can get a relationship to a place where the two of you thrive together
  • How those in a relationship may define their principles and vision, and what the difference is between surviving and thriving in a relationship
  • What you can do to outline non-negotiables and deal breakers at the beginning of a relationship

“Of all the things we do, love, compared to work, is by far the hardest.” — Stan Tatkin

Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

About Stan Tatkin:

Dr. Stan Tatkin is a clinician, author, PACT developer, and co-founder of the PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couple Therapy) Institute, and assistant clinical professor at UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine. He maintains a private practice in Southern California and leads PACT programs in the US and internationally. He is the author Wired for Dating, Wired for Love, Your Brain on Love, Relationship RX, We Do, and co-author of Love and War in Intimate Relationships.

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Charlie Gilkey
Productive Flourishing

Author of Team Habits - - and the best-selling Start Finishing. Executive coach, investor, and philospher.